Testersdesk.com - Useful Site for Testing Engineers. Just Login to site, Select your Test requirement, enter the input it will give/generate the data which you required
It has some nice features/functionalities all are self explanatory with nice help.
I still remember the days where we need exact 1000 Chars of Text, 2000 Chars of Text, files required with different sizes like exact 10KB, 1MB and 10MB to validate the some Text Fields in my applications. I used to the take help of Winword application to enter the text and count manually and some times using Word count option. Using this tool it is very simple..enter the length and type of data..it will generate the data for u.
Please find few screen shots from the site. Just login to site. I am sure you will also like this site.
Test Design
Test Data Generators
Misc. Tools