Thursday, July 22, 2010

Points to Remember while creating Datastore in ESXi

Few days back Shaikh and I worked on QAESXi Server installation, at that time we used all the default options. ESXi is installed and we are able to create the VM's successfully.

Today we got a Task to create a VM with 1TB space. We failed to create the VM on the above ESXi server as it is not allowing to add a disk with more than 256 GB. 

Shaikh resolved the issue. He explained the issue, it was intresting. Issue is "Datastore created with Block Size of 1MB". If Block size is 1MB we cannot create a disk with more than 256GB. 

Here is the combination of Block size and the Disk Space

Block Size 1MB - 256GB
Block Size 2MB - 512GB
Block Size 4MB - 1024GB
Block Size 8MB - 2048GB  

As we cannot do anything, we moved all the VM's to another Server, removed existing datastore and again added with correct Block Size. Gosh, Horrible!!!

10 Steps From Presentation to Performance

Powerful Presentations eBook

Confluence SSL Certificate Configuration

Wiki certificate was expired. Myself and Kenny worked on this. There are couple of steps to import/install the certificate.

Installing The Certificates to the Keystore:
1.Download your SSL Certificate file (your_domain_name.p7b) from your Account to the directory where your keystore was saved during the CSR creation process (the keystore will be called your_site_name.jks if you used keytool CSR command generator).
NOTE: The certificate must be installed to the same keystore that was used to generate your CSR. If you try to install it to a different keystore it will not work.
2.Type the following command to install the certificate file to your keystore:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file your_site_name.p7b -keystore your_site_name.jks
3.You should get a confirmation stating that the "Certificate reply was installed in keystore"
4.If it asks if you want to trust the certificate. Choose y or yes.
Your keystore file (your_site_name.jks) is now ready to use on your Tomcat Server and you just need to configure your server to use it.

Configuring your SSL Connector:
Tomcat will first need an SSL Connector configured before it can accept secure connections.
1. Open the Tomcat server.xml file in a text editor (this is usually located in the conf folder of your Tomcat's home directory).
2. Find the connector that will be secured with the new keystore and uncomment it if necessary (it is usually a connector with port 443 or 8443 like the example below).
3. Specify the correct keystore filename and password in your connector configuration. When you are done your connector should look something like this:
4. Save your changes to the server.xml file.
5. Restart Service.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Nice tools to Test a Website

Test Your Website- Make It Bug Free

Browser Shots - A nice tool for Browser Compatibility Testing

Browsershots - Nice online tool for Cross Browser Testing

Browser Compatibility Testing

For the past few days, Mubeen and Srikanth were busy in taking  the screen shots of their app and doing the functionality testing in all the popular browsers.
Everyday I hear Mubeen screaming "My eyes are burning like anything". Why the hell we have so many browsers in usage!! And If I am made a Queen, I would definitely see an end to all the browsers and bring a rule to use only a single browser.

As I too belong to the same fraternity, I completely  agree to her point and stand by her statements. :-) Some times, I too feel why Is there a  so much difference in the  look and feel  of the application and why it behaves differently in different browsers.  Doing the same repetitive Job/Task in  all browsers. What a Pain..!  I do remember another example which was like..sometime  back Ryan got an email asking compatibility of our Web application in older version of Internet Explorer(IE6) and with the deadline of  2 days.
We do not have any answer readily available as we had already upgraded to IE8 and IE 6 was under the trash as we were not using it anymore. And Gosh!! How is it possible to test app in 2 days.. :-(

If we have any tools, procedures methods readily available to automate these task would be great.

Ask Google - Googled and found few useful articles on Browser Compatibility Testing. 
I liked the below two articles describing all the available tools, hope you too like these articles